Sami & Rinna Saramäki

©Veikko Somerpuro

Into The Deep Sea

Rinna Saramäki & Sami Saramäki: Flashlight Adventures series: Into the Deep Sea | Into the Depths of the Earth | Into the Outer Space

The Flashlight Adventures exemplify a totally new picture book concept, which invites the reader to search and explore the dark and distant places where most of us will never get a chance to go for real. Light up its pages with a phone’s flashlight and the book’s hidden images will mysteriously appear.

Original titles: 1. Meren syvyyksiin. WSOY 2018, 40 pp.
2. Maan uumeniin. WSOY 2019 40 pp.
3. Ylös avaruuteen. WSOY 2021 40 pp.
Foreign rights: Bonnier Rights Finland,