Book Cover

Tero Mielonen & Mari Ahokoivu: I’ll Become a Researcher

A wonderfully informative book on how interests and hobbies that are fostered at a young age can help people find their place as professional researchers later in life.

South American Kat used to examine the starry skies with her father and now her job is to search for new planets. Marjane loved hunting for treasures, and she became an archeologist who solves the mysteries of ancient cultures. Eduardo loved playing video games; he did not become a professional gamer, but now he creates climate models and ponders what our world will be like in a hundred years. This book shows that anyone can become a researcher by following their passion.

Original title: Maailman tutkijat. Ursa 2021, 53 pp.
Foreign rights: Elina Ahlback Literary Agency,