FILI’s Advisory Board has decided on the translation and printing grants for the last application round of the year. A total of 193,950 € was awarded to 95 translation projects. In total, 460,030 € was granted for translation and printing during the year.
Iida Turpeinen’s novel Elolliset (Beasts of the Sea) received the highest number of translation grants in nine different languages during this round of applications. The highest number of grants was awarded to no fewer than 16 French-language and 13 German-language projects. In total, grants were provided for projects in 26 languages.
You can find the awarded grants here.
The application period will be launched on 1 January and will close on 1 February 2025, when translation and printing grants for foreign publishers will be available.
For more information on translation and printing grants, please contact Mikaela Wickström,