Accessibility Statement for FILI’s Online Application Forms

This accessibility statement applies to the digital service and was prepared on 16 September 2020. We have evaluated the accessibility of the service ourselves.

Digital service compliance status

The service is for the most part compliant with critical accessibility requirements.

Non-accessible content

The website has some accessibility problems:

  • Navigation between groups of questions requires the use of a mouse (WCAG 2.1.1)
  • Field labels are programmatically unclear (WCAG 1.3.1, WCAG 4.1.2)
  • The file upload button uses title formatting, which is not intended for this purpose and results in a confusing page structure (WCAG 1.3.1)
  • The purpose of certain commonly used fields (such as name and address fields) is not programmatically determined (WCAG 1.3.5)
  • Error messages lack a programmatically determined role, which is needed to programmatically determine their messages (WCAG 4.1.3)

We apologise for these accessibility gaps. We aim to correct the problems we have identified on the site in 2020. If you notice a problem with the forms that is not included in the list above, please contact us.

This statement will be updated as corrections are made.

Have you noticed an accessibility gap in our digital service?

We will do our best to correct the problem. Please contact us by email: .

Supervisory authority

If you notice any problems with the accessibility of this website, first provide feedback to us, the administrators of this site. We have 14 days to reply. If you are not satisfied with our response or if you have not received a response within two weeks, you can file a complaint with the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. The website of the Regional State Administrative Agency provides detailed information about how to file a complaint and how the matter will be handled.

Supervisory authority contact information

Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland

Saavutettavuuden valvonnan yksikkö (supervisory unit for accessibility) (available in Finnish and Swedish)

tel. (switchboard) +358 295 016 000

We are working continually to improve accessibility

We are committed to improving the accessibility of our digital services. In 2020 we improved the website’s accessibility in terms of structure and contrast and made the site easier to use with a keyboard. We aim to correct the problems identified on the site during 2020.

We offer support for users for whom our digital services are not accessible. You can contact us or come visit us at:

Hallituskatu 2 B, 00170 Helsinki