Author: silja

Applications for the Translator-in-residence programme

HIAP (the Helsinki International Artist Programme) and FILI offer a residency programme for translators of Finnish literature at Suomenlinna near Helsinki. The next three-week-long residency has been booked from 1 to 22 March 2015. The period for submitting applications is 15 May – 13 June 2014.

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FILI Newsletter in April

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FILI Newsletter in March 2014

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Learning Comes from Finland – Finnish expertise in educational materials also featured at the Frankfurt Book Fair

”For the first time in the long history of the Frankfurt Book Fair the national exhibit of the Guest of Honour extends to two exhibition halls and features both general publishing and the publishing of educational materials,” notes Iris Schwanck, director of FILI, which is also the coordinating body of the project.

Read more about Learning Comes from Finland – Finnish expertise in educational materials also featured at the Frankfurt Book Fair

FILI December newsletter has been published

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The value of exports in literature rises significantly in Finland

In 2011, the value of the sales of translation rights of Finnish literature was 1,26 million Euros, but rose to 1,98 million Euros already in 2012.

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FILI November Newsletter

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Application period for the Translator Mentorship Programme

British Centre for Literary Translation launched a mentorship programme in 2010. The programme is intended for Anglophone translators with promise […]

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Frankfurt Book Fair: Finland took over after Brasil

Finland became the new guest of honour at the handover ceremony in Frankfurt on Sunday 13 October. Our year has officially started!

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The first Finnland. Cool. press conference in Frankfurt was a success

Finnish guest of honour project at the Frankfurt Book Fair, “Finnland. Cool.”, held its first press conference during book fair this year. All the seats, 150, were taken and the respons in the German media has been very positive.

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FILI at the Turku Book Fair 4-6 October

FILI presents the Finnland. Cool. guest of honour at Frankfurt book fair project at the Turku book fair this weekend. Author and journalist Roman Schatz and FILI’s director Iris Schwanck will discuss the topic “Is Finland cool”?

Read more about FILI at the Turku Book Fair 4-6 October

Gothenburg book fair

Gothenburg book fair takes place September 26–29 this year. The Finnish stand is located at C02:22.

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David McDuff receives the Finnish State Award for Foreign Translators

The annual Finnish state prize, 15 000 Euros, was awarded to David McDuff today. McDuff (born 1945) has translated Finland-Swedish literature into English since the 1980’s, for example Bo Carpelan, Tua Forsström and Gösta Ågren. He has also edited and translated the complete poems of Edith Södergran into English.

Read more about David McDuff receives the Finnish State Award for Foreign Translators

FILI newsletter in August

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Swedish Book Review – Cool Finland-Swedish titles

Swedish Book Review (SBR), a literary journal published in London, showcases Swedish-language literature in English. SBR has worked with FILI […]

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Contract signed between FILI and German communications firm WBCO

WBCO will have particular responsibility for organizing our press conferences in Germany, the first of which will be held in conjunction with the Frankfurt Book Fair this autumn, to coincide with Finnish Literature Day and the birthday of Aleksis Kivi on 10 October.

Read more about Contract signed between FILI and German communications firm WBCO


Kolonkolonkolo is the name of our new website which presents new books by Finnish authors of fiction for children and young adults.

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FILI Newsletter in April

FILI Newsletter in April has been published.

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