Author: silja

Tuutikki Tolonen: ‘Monster Nanny’ sold to Australia & New Zealand

Allen & Unwin has bought the Australian & New Zealand rights to Tuutikki Tolonen’s Mörkövahti (‘Monster Nanny’) from Elina Ahlbäck […]

Read more about Tuutikki Tolonen: ‘Monster Nanny’ sold to Australia & New Zealand

Beginning translators’ course in Helsinki

FILI and the Finnish National Agency for Education arrange the tenth beginning translators’ course in August. The course has been […]

Read more about Beginning translators’ course in Helsinki

FILI Newsletter June 2019

Our latest newsletter can be read here .

Read more about FILI Newsletter June 2019

The FILI grant results have been published

FILI’s advisory board had its meeting 11 June 2019 and the grant decisions have now been published on our website. […]

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The FILI grant results will be published by mid-June

The grant results from the second application round will be published on our website by mid-June. All applicants will also […]

Read more about The FILI grant results will be published by mid-June

Finland focus country at Tbilisi International Book Fair 30.5.–2.6.

The Georgian Publishers and Booksellers Association has chosen Finland as focus country for this year’s Tbilisi International Book Fair, which […]

Read more about Finland focus country at Tbilisi International Book Fair 30.5.–2.6.

Literary export campaign to highlight books and reading as sources of happiness – Finnish humour and skills are charming the world

‘Finnland. Cool & Happy.’ is the name of a new initiative designed to boost exports of Finnish literature by asking how our literature helps to make us the happiest nation in the world.

Read more about Literary export campaign to highlight books and reading as sources of happiness – Finnish humour and skills are charming the world

Olli Jalonen: ‘Taivaanpallo’ sold to Spain

Kalandraka Publishing has bought the Spanish and Galician rights to Olli Jalonen’s Taivaanpallo (‘The Celestial Sphere’) from Rights & Brands.

Read more about Olli Jalonen: ‘Taivaanpallo’ sold to Spain

Juha Itkonen: ‘Ihmettä kaikki’ sold to Germany

Bastei Lübbe has bought the German rights to Juha Itkonen’s Ihmettä kaikki  (‘Beyond Our Reach’) from Rights & Brands.

Read more about Juha Itkonen: ‘Ihmettä kaikki’ sold to Germany

Marcus Rosenlund: ‘Väder som förändrade världen’ sold to Estonia

Ühinenud Ajakirjad has bought the Estonian language rights to Marcus Rosenlund’s Väder som förändrade världen (‘The Weather that Changed the […]

Read more about Marcus Rosenlund: ‘Väder som förändrade världen’ sold to Estonia

FILI Newsletter in June 2018

Read our latest newsletter here.

Read more about FILI Newsletter in June 2018

Finnish-Norwegian exchange programme in June 2018

FILI has coordinated together with our Norwegian sister organisation NORLA an exchange programme for Finnish & Norwegian rights sellers.
Five Norwegian […]

Read more about Finnish-Norwegian exchange programme in June 2018

FILI grants 2/2018 awarded

At its meeting on 6 June 2018, FILI’s Advisory Board made its decisions on this year’s second round of grant […]

Read more about FILI grants 2/2018 awarded

Course for translators of Finland-Swedish literature in Helsinki 6.–9.6.2018

Twelve translators of Finland-Swedish literature have gathered in Helsinki for a course led by Elena Balzamo. The participants translate into […]

Read more about Course for translators of Finland-Swedish literature in Helsinki 6.–9.6.2018

New York Rights Fair 30.5.–1.6.2018

FILI attends the New York Rights Fair this week. The event is arranged for the very first time. We will […]

Read more about New York Rights Fair 30.5.–1.6.2018

Editors’ Week & journalist visit to Helsinki 22.–25.5.2018

FILI will be hosting an Editors’ Week visit and a journalist visit 22–25 May. We are welcoming nine publishing professionals […]

Read more about Editors’ Week & journalist visit to Helsinki 22.–25.5.2018

FILI launches a new grant for readers’ reports

FILI takes part in London Book Fair (10.–12.4.2018) and launches a new grant programme there: publishers outside Finland can apply for a reader’s report.

Read more about FILI launches a new grant for readers’ reports

Beginning translators’ course

Every two years a course for beginning translators is held in Helsinki, and this year’s edition will take place from 21 to 31 August. FILI and the Finnish National Agency for Education (formerly CIMO) are co-organisers. The course will be led by translator and author Stefan Moster. A total of 15 participants who translate into 10 different languages have been selected to take part.

Read more about Beginning translators’ course

FILI August Newsletter

Our August newsletter has been published and can be found here.
You can subscribe to our newsletter Read more about FILI August Newsletter

FILI at Beijing International Book Fair 23.–27.8.2017

FILI is attending the Beijing Book Fair from August 23rd to August 27th 2017. The Nordic stand is at E1.C10.

Read more about FILI at Beijing International Book Fair 23.–27.8.2017