4 books travelling to Estonia

And more rights sold this week!


Rahva Raamat has pre-empted the Estonian rights to Matti Laine’s Armadillo series #1-3 from Bonnier Rights Finland. The first book of the series is Her Father’s Daughter (Isänsä tytär, Bazar).


Postimees has pre-empted the Estonian rights to Mika Hentunen’s & Kristiina Helenius’ The Next Superpower. China’s Grand Plan to Reorder the World (Kiinan maailma. Tulevaisuuden supervalta ja sen tavoiteet, Tammi) from Bonnier Rights Finland.


Lilla Piratförlaget has pre-empted the Swedish rights to Laura Lähteenmäki’s Count Silently To Ten (Laske salaa kymmeneen, WSOY) from Elina Ahlback Literary Agency.

Straarup & Co has bought the Danish rights to Laura Lähteenmäki’s Count Silently To Ten (Laske salaa kymmeneen, WSOY) from Elina Ahlback Literary Agency.