It’s Finland Again! -hankkeen aikana tuotetaan erillistä julkaisua saksankielisessä Euroopassa julkaistavista Suomen kirjallisuuden käännöksistä. Ensi vuonna ilmestyvistä saksannoksista on nyt […]
Arvostettu kirjallisuuspalkinto Pajtim Statovcille ja Stefan Mosterille
Arvostetun Prize for Contemporary Literatures in Translation 2024//Internationaler Literaturpreis -palkinnon Saksassa ovat juuri voittaneet kirjailija Pajtim Statovci ja saksalainen kääntäjä […]
Huippukiinnostava ajankohtaiskatsaus Saksan kirjamarkkinoihin FILIssä 20.8.
Tiistaina 20.8. on harvinainen tilaisuus kuulla tuoreimpia kuulumisia siitä, miltä Saksan kirjamarkkinat nykyään näyttävät, mikä toimii ja mitä kohti ollaan […]
Iida Turpeinen presents her captivating novel Beasts of the Sea (Elolliset) and the the poignant story of Steller’s sea cow at the Finnish Museum of Natural History. This nature-focused book video series is produced by FILI, Visit Finland, and the ”It’s Finland Again!” project. 💙🤍
Part II * Iida Turpeinen’s award-winning novel Beasts of the Sea (Elolliset) is a powerful example of writing that deeply, movingly, and grippingly explores the balance between humans and nature. In a nature-focused video series produced by FILI, Visit Finland, and It’s Finland Again!, Turpeinen takes us to Harakka Island and the Nature Centre, a place she has cherished since childhood and where she partially wrote the story of the extinct Steller’s sea cow. This remarkable novel has recently been published in German by S. Fischer, with a brilliant translation by Maximilian Murmann. ❤️❤️❤️ Video: Juho Sallinen • Music: Jarmo Herkman: Enchantment/Phasma Music
Iida Turpeinen takes us on a captivating journey to the seaside of Harakka Island, where she partially wrote her remarkable novel, Beasts of the Sea (Elolliset). The book delves into significant themes, such as the extinction of the Steller’s sea cow—a species driven to extinction in just 27 years—and the broader issue of nature’s vanishing wonders, which affects us all. This powerful European novel has already been sold in nearly 30 countries. Check out the video where Iida herself talks about her wonderful novel, and be sure to give it a read! ❤️
Iida Turpeinen’s novel Das Wesen des Lebens (Elolliset, S&S, Helsinki Literary Agency) has just been published in German by S. Fischer and translated by Maximilian Murmann.
This nature-focused book video series is produced by FILI, Visit Finland, and It’s Finland Again! project focusing on German-speaking Europe. 💙🤍 Video: Juho Sallinen * Interview: Hannele Jyrkkä * Music: Enchantment by Jarmo Herkman/Phasma Music * Video filmed in the Harakka Island
FILIn käännös- ja painatustukien hakukierros alkoi tänään ja päättyy 1. marraskuuta 2024. Lisätietoja saat FILIn nettisivuilta & Mikaela Wickströmiltä, • Linkki biossa! 📚📚📚📚📚 The application round for FILI’s translation and printing grants begins today and ends on November 1, 2024. For more information, visit FILI’s website or contact Mikaela Wickström at • Link in bio! 📚📚📚📚📚...
Part III • ”People often say that a writer must find their own voice. I’ve always thought it’s the opposite: a writer should get rid of their own voice. I’ve coined this process as “the ghost’s speech”—the moment when someone else begins to speak through you.” ❤️ 🌲 In a nature-focused book video series produced by FILI, Visit Finland, and It’s Finland Again!, Matias Riikonen takes us into the forest where his novel Matara could have unfolded. This remarkable novel has just been published in German by Carl Rauch Verlag, translated by Maximilian Murmann. ❤️ 🌲 Video: Juho Sallinen • music: Jarmo Herkman: Enchantment/Phasma Music
Muutama tunnelmakuva vielä kirjailijaesiintymisistä & kääntäjäkohtaamisista Göteborgin viimeviikkoisilta kirjamessuilta. Ja sitä myötä erinomaista kansainvälistä kääntäjienpäivää! Te kääntäjät teette niin tärkeää, kertakaikkisen upeaa työtä! ❤️❤️❤️
A few more lovely photos from last week’s Gothenburg Book Fair, featuring author presentations and translator meetings. Wishing everyone a joyous International Translation Day—you translators are doing absolutely fantastic work! ❤️❤️❤️
1. 📷 Satu Rämö: Author Satu Rämö with her translator in Swedish Marjut Hökfelt. 2. 📷 Jitka Hanušová: Great translators of Finnish literature, Jitka Hanušová (Czech) and Marjut Hökfelt with FILI director Tiia Strandén. 3. Author Iida Rauma talking about her novel Destruction (Hävitys), published in Swedish, with colleagues. The book has been translated by Janina Orlov. 4. Author Sofi Oksanen talking about her novel Same River Twice - Putin’s War against Women (Samaan virtaaan), published in Swedish, with colleagues. The book was translated by Camilla Frostell. Without our great translators we would not have these wonderful translations of Finnish literature into different languages! 📚📚📚📚📚
Part II * Matias Riikonen’s award-winning novel Matara is a striking example of how seriously one can take play. ❤️ In a nature-focused book video series produced by FILI, Visit Finland, and It’s Finland Again!, Riikonen brings us to the forest where the power games of the Matara boys could have unfolded. This remarkable novel has just been published in German by Carl Rauch Verlag, translated by Maximilian Murmann.
📹 🎬 Juho Sallinen • 🎼 Jarmo Herkman: Enchantment/Phasma Music @filifinnishliterature @ourfinland #itsfinlandagain #matiasriikonen @m.murmann @verlag_karlrauch @teoskustantamo @helsinkiliterary #fili #visitfinland #karlrauch #maximilianmurmann #finnishliterature #translations #books #play...
“If you can describe the realms of your childhood, you will have drawn the boundaries of worlds, traveling from life to death and back again. It’s staggering,” says Matias Riikonen about his award-winning novel Matara, now translated into German. This video takes us into a Finnish forest reminiscent of the one in Matara. Although this isn’t the exact forest where the author once played power games with other boys and learned about life, it still inspired Riikonen as he wrote his acclaimed novel, decades after those unforgettable childhood adventures. 💙🤍 Matias Riikonen: Matara (Teos, Helsinki Literary Agency) • The German edition published by Karl Rauch Verlag • German translation of the novel: Maximilian Murmann 📗 Video filmed in the Seurasaari forests, Helsinki * production: FILI & Visit Finland • concept: FILI & Juho Sallinen • video: Juho Sallinen • interview: Hannele Jyrkkä • music: Jarmo Herkman: ”Enchantment”, produced by Phasma Music 🌲 #itsfinlandagain #finnishliterature #translations @filifinnishliterature @ourfinland #fili #visitfinland @teoskustantamo @helsinkiliterary @verlag_karlrauch #matiasriikonen #maximilianmurmann @m.murmann @juho.sallinen.58 @countertenorist @chris_scheike @hannele.jii #jarmoherkman...
Göteborgin kirjamessut käynnistyivät tänään! FILIn Päivi Haaralan ja Tiia Strandénin päivän ensimmäinen tapaaminen oli italialaisen Iperborea-kustantamon Christina Gerosan kanssa. Myös tiede -ja kulttuuriministeri Sari Multala seurueineen vieraili messuilla ja tutustui FILIn messupisteessä ruotsalaisiin kustantajiin ja Suomen kirjallisuuden kääntäjiin. Kertakaikkisen hieno messupäivä! ❤️📚
The Gothenburg Book Fair kicked off today! FILI’s Päivi Haarala and Tiia Strandén began their day with a meeting with Christina Gerosa from the Italian publishing house Iperborea. Finland’s Minister of Science and Culture, Sari Multala, along with her entourage, also visited the fair and stopped by the FILI stand to meet Swedish publishers and Finnish literary translators. A fantastic start to the fair! ❤️📚
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