Author: silja

A record-breaking number of applications in 2020

The number of applications received in 2020 increased by about a quarter over the previous year’s figure. All in all, grants were awarded for translations of Finnish literature into 40 languages. The largest numbers of grants were awarded for translations into Estonian, German and Russian.

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Results from our October application round have been published

FILI’s advisory board held its meeting and awarded nearly 250 000 euros in grants. The results of the October application […]

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Applications to FILI’s Translator-in-Residence programme

In 2021 the residence period is 15.2.–7.3. in Villa Salin (Lauttasaari, Helsinki). The application period starts 2 November and deadline for the applications is 30 November (at 23.59 Finnish time).

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FILI application round closed on 1 November

Deadline for FILI grants was 1 November. The results will be published in mid-December when FILI’s advisory board has had […]

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Annemarie Raas receives Finnish State Award for Foreign Translators

On 6 October 2020, the Finnish minister of science and culture, Annika Saarikko, granted the State Award for Foreign Translators to the Dutch translator Annemarie Raas. The prize is worth €15,000 and was awarded this year for the forty-fifth time. Raas is the first translator into Dutch to receive the award.

Read more about Annemarie Raas receives Finnish State Award for Foreign Translators

FILI translation grant application round opens on 1 October

The last application round for this year opened on 1 October and closes on 1 November.

Our translation grant programme is still part of a joint Nordic campaign in which we guarantee to award a grant covering 50% of translation costs for a project, provided that the application meets the grant criteria and the grants advisory board approves the grant.

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Semi-annual Finnish Book Market Bulletin September 2020

Book sales boosted by coronavirus while literary exports reach record levels
Finland made it through the first wave of coronavirus this […]

Read more about Semi-annual Finnish Book Market Bulletin September 2020

Finnish literary exports increased in value in 2019

We were delighted to receive the latest analysis of annual Finnish literary exports – once again, the figures are excellent. The […]

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Changes to FILI’s promotional grants

Because travel is currently very restricted or impossible, you can now apply for grants to cover other costs of publicising new translation of Finnish literature, like virtual author events, interviews, videos etc as well.

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Results from the application round 2/2020 have been published

FILI’s advisory board held its meeting 11 June and made decisions on the grants. The results have been published on […]

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Tarja Roinila 1964–2020

We at FILI are deeply distraught by the news of translator Tarja Roinila’s tragic death and offer our heartfelt condolences […]

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The Nordic Literature Export Organisations Launch New Initiative

With a temporary 50% guarantee of grants for translations the literature export organisations in the Nordic countries wish to encourage further exchange of literature and reinforce the support for translation of fiction, non-fiction and children’s literature for the benefit of authors, translators, publishers and literary agencies

Read more about The Nordic Literature Export Organisations Launch New Initiative

Application period for FILI grants began 1 April

Application round for FILI grants started on 1 April 2020. Deadline for the applications is 1 May and the results […]

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Information concerning grants awarded by FILI during COVID-19 pandemic

Promotional grants that have already been awarded may be used at a later date for a similar trip. For administrative reasons, we will need a new application from you when the new date and programme for the trip have been confirmed. Please notify us of any cancellations/rescheduled trips at

Read more about Information concerning grants awarded by FILI during COVID-19 pandemic

FILI grant decisions announced 23 March

FILI’s advisory board held its grant allocation meeting online 17 March. We received 105 applications in the latest round, 95 of them received a grant, representing a success rate of over 90% for applications. A total of €150 000 in grants was awarded.

Read more about FILI grant decisions announced 23 March

FILI’s office is closed, please contact us by e-mail or by phone

Following the instructions given, FILI’s employees are teleworking in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus. You can reach […]

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FILI’s Spring catalogues 2020

Our two catalogues for Spring 2020 have been published: A Selection of Finnish Children’s & YA Literature and a Selection of fiction & non-fiction titles. You can download them here (see links below) or contact us in order to get a printed version.

Read more about FILI’s Spring catalogues 2020

FILI in New York in February

FILIn edustajat ovat New Yorkissa 25.2.–2.3.2020 järjestämässä suomalaisen kirjallisuuden PR-tilaisuutta ja tapaamassa kirja-alan toimijoita.

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FILI visiting Tallinn & Riga 10.–14.2.2020

FILI’s representatives are visiting Tallinn and Riga in order to meet publishers and translators 10–14 February. The travel programme is […]

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FILI’s translators-in-residence 2020

The residence period is 10.2.–1.3. in Villa Salin (Lauttasaari, Helsinki). We have chosen six translators to the residence.

Read more about FILI’s translators-in-residence 2020