Myydyt oikeudet

Finnish literature on its way to Arabic- and German-language audiences

And other rights sold this week:


Quercus / MacLehose Press has pre-empted world rights, excluding Finland, to Dr. Lassi Liikkanen’s […]

Lue lisää aiheesta Finnish literature on its way to Arabic- and German-language audiences

Satu Rämö’s Hildur series to be published in 20 languages!

And other acquired rights this week:


Relacja has bought the Polish rights to Selja Ahava’s The Day the Whale Swam […]

Lue lisää aiheesta Satu Rämö’s Hildur series to be published in 20 languages!

12 rights sold to round off the month


Tympanum has bought the Czech rights to Tove Jansson’s The Moomins and the Great Flood (Småtrollen och den stora översvämningen, […]

Lue lisää aiheesta 12 rights sold to round off the month

4 books travelling to Estonia

And more rights sold this week!


Rahva Raamat has pre-empted the Estonian rights to Matti Laine’s Armadillo series #1-3 from […]

Lue lisää aiheesta 4 books travelling to Estonia

Nordic Rituals for the English Speaking World

And more sold rights:


Helios has bought the Estonian rights to Katri Kirkkopelto’s Blue and the Magnificent Pet (Molli ja suurenmoinen […]

Lue lisää aiheesta Nordic Rituals for the English Speaking World

3 Finnish Children’s Books travelling to Denmark

And 11 more sold rights!


Antolog Books has bought the (North) Macedonian rights to Ninka Reittu’s Tully and Roly the Pony […]

Lue lisää aiheesta 3 Finnish Children’s Books travelling to Denmark

Finnish Comic Series travelling to Vietnam!

And other sold rights from this week:


Filia has bought the Polish rights to Riikka Jäntti’s Little Mouse and the Amazing […]

Lue lisää aiheesta Finnish Comic Series travelling to Vietnam!

17 rights sold in the first half of January


Barta has bought the Italian rights to Selja Ahava’s Things That Fall From The Sky (Taivaalta tippuvat asiat, Gummerus) from […]

Lue lisää aiheesta 17 rights sold in the first half of January

Translation rights sold before the Christmas holidays


Kodansha Ltd has bought the Japanese rights to Tove Jansson’s Sculptor’s Daughter (Bildhuggarens dotter, Förlaget) from Rights & Brands.


Edition Bracklo […]

Lue lisää aiheesta Translation rights sold before the Christmas holidays

Finnish Literature travelling to Oceania and Taiwan

And more sold rights from December!


Oratia has bought the English and Polynesian rights to Susanna Venho’s & Sanna Pelliccioni’s Forest […]

Lue lisää aiheesta Finnish Literature travelling to Oceania and Taiwan

Four books travelling to Hungary

And other sold rights from the past two weeks!


Shangai Joy-Curiosity Cultural Development Co., Limited has bought the Chinese (simplified) […]

Lue lisää aiheesta Four books travelling to Hungary

Moomins in Bulgaria

And other sold rights from the past two weeks!

Esprit has bought the Polish rights to Julia Pöyhönen’s, Heidi Livingston’s […]

Lue lisää aiheesta Moomins in Bulgaria

Martta Kaukonen’s psychological thrillers in Icelandic

And other sold rights from the past few weeks:


Albatros has bought the Czech rights to Ninka Reittu’s Tully and […]

Lue lisää aiheesta Martta Kaukonen’s psychological thrillers in Icelandic

Meet the Fox & the Bear Family in Italy

And other sold rights from the beginning of November:


Petergailis has bought the Latvian rights to Kaisa Paasto’s Prankenstein (Prankenstein, Tammi) […]

Lue lisää aiheesta Meet the Fox & the Bear Family in Italy

Rights to 26 books sold!

All sold rights from the second half of October:


PHBERN has bought the Swiss German rights to Linda Liukas’ Hello Ruby […]

Lue lisää aiheesta Rights to 26 books sold!

Eva Frantz’s Anna Glad series is travelling to Bulgaria

And other sold rights from the middle of October!


Kirjastus Hea Lugu has bought the Estonian rights to Aino Havukainen’s and […]

Lue lisää aiheesta Eva Frantz’s Anna Glad series is travelling to Bulgaria

A 3 book pre-empt for Anne Hietanen’s and Michaela von Kügelgen’s The Last Word-series


Compañía Naviera Ilimitada has bought the Spanish (Argentinia, South America) rights to Tove Jansson’s The True Deceiver (Den ärliga bedragaren, […]

Lue lisää aiheesta A 3 book pre-empt for Anne Hietanen’s and Michaela von Kügelgen’s The Last Word-series

Little Mouse is travelling to Poland, again!

­­And other sold rights from this week!


Latvijas Mediji has bought the Latvian rights to Max Seeck’s Milo (Merkitty, Tammi) […]

Lue lisää aiheesta Little Mouse is travelling to Poland, again!

Pre-empted rights to Satu Rämö’s Hildur series in two languages

And more sold rights from mid-September!


Mala Zvona d.o.o. has bought the Croatian rights to Tove Jansson’s The Sculptor’s Daughter (Bildhuggarens […]

Lue lisää aiheesta Pre-empted rights to Satu Rämö’s Hildur series in two languages

Two new deals for Tommi Kinnunen


Varrak has bought the Estonian rights to Tommi Kinnunen’s Pine Bark (Kaarna, WSOY) from Elina Ahlback Literary Agency.

Magyar Napló Publishing […]

Lue lisää aiheesta Two new deals for Tommi Kinnunen