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Hegas has bought the Swedish rights for Magdalena Hai’s and Teemu Juhani’s Painajaispuoti 4
And other wonderful news of rights sold in March!
Hegas has bought the Swedish rights for Magdalena Hai’s and Teemu Juhani’s […]
Lue lisää aiheesta Hegas has bought the Swedish rights for Magdalena Hai’s and Teemu Juhani’s Painajaispuoti 4Robertino has bought the Bulgarian rights for Tuutikki Tolonen and Pasi Pitkänen’s Monster Nanny
And other great news of rights sold in early March.
Robertino has bought the Bulgarian rights for Tuutikki Tolonen’s and Pasi […]
Lue lisää aiheesta Robertino has bought the Bulgarian rights for Tuutikki Tolonen and Pasi Pitkänen’s Monster NannyIzida has bought the Bulgarian rights for Maria Turtschaninoff’s Arvejord
And other great translation rights sold in February.
Izida has bought the Bulgarian rights for Maria Turtschaninoff’s Arvejord (Inherited Land) […]
Lue lisää aiheesta Izida has bought the Bulgarian rights for Maria Turtschaninoff’s ArvejordSold translation rights at the beginning of February
Blanvalet has bought the German rights for Karin Erlandsson’s Det blå garnet. En bok om att sticka (The Blue Yarn […]
Lue lisää aiheesta Sold translation rights at the beginning of FebruaryTranslation rights sold in January-February
Translation rights sold at the end of Janyary and beginning of February!
Dobrovsky has bought the Czech rights for Sami Tissari’s […]
Lue lisää aiheesta Translation rights sold in January-FebruaryThe most recently sold rights
And more sold translation rights for January!
Hea Lugu has bought the Estonian rights to Eeva Louko’s Käärmeiden maa (Land of […]
Lue lisää aiheesta The most recently sold rightsGreat translation news
Great news at the beginning of the year! Finnish literature translation rights have already been sold to numerous countries this […]
Lue lisää aiheesta Great translation newsRecently sold rights
Bakhåll has bought the Swedish rights to Minna Rytisalo’s Lempi from Helsinki Literary Agency.
De Eenhoorn has bought the Dutch rights […]
Lue lisää aiheesta Recently sold rightsRecently sold rights
Nórdica Libros has bought the Spanish rights to Monika Fagerholms Vem dödade Bambi? (Who Killed Bambi?) from Salomonsson Agency.
Politiken has […]
Lue lisää aiheesta Recently sold rightsEmmi Itäranta: ’Teemestarin kirja’ sold to the Netherlands
Atlas Contact has bought the Dutch rights to Emmi Itäranta’s Teemestarin kirja (’Memory of Water’) from Elina Ahlback Literary Agency.
Lue lisää aiheesta Emmi Itäranta: ’Teemestarin kirja’ sold to the NetherlandsElina Backman: ’Ennen kuin tulee pimeä’ sold to Sweden
Bokfabriken has bought the Swedish rights to Elina Backman’s Ennen kuin tulee pimeä (’Before The Polar Night Falls’) from Elina […]
Lue lisää aiheesta Elina Backman: ’Ennen kuin tulee pimeä’ sold to SwedenElina Pitkäkangas: ’Sang’ sold to Turkey
Indigo Kitap has bought the Turkish rights to Elina Pitkäkangas’s Sang (’Sang’) from Elina Ahlback Literary Agency.
Lue lisää aiheesta Elina Pitkäkangas: ’Sang’ sold to TurkeyElina Pitkäkangas: ’Sang’ sold to Denmark
Straarup & Co. has bought the Danish rights to Elina Pitkäkangas’s Sang (’Sang’) from Elina Ahlback Literary Agency.
Lue lisää aiheesta Elina Pitkäkangas: ’Sang’ sold to DenmarkSalla Savolainen: ’Romua!’ sold to Germany
Carl Hanser Verlag has bought the German rights to Salla Savolainen’s Romua! (’Junk!’) from Rights and Brands.
Lue lisää aiheesta Salla Savolainen: ’Romua!’ sold to GermanySalla Savolainen: ’Betonia!’ sold to Germany
Carl Hanser Verlag has bought the German rights to Salla Savolainen’s Betonia! (’Concrete!’) from Rights and Brands.
Lue lisää aiheesta Salla Savolainen: ’Betonia!’ sold to GermanySalla Savolainen: ’Asfalttia!’ sold to Germany
Carl Hanser Verlag has bought the German rights to Salla Savolainen’s Asfalttia! (’Asphalt!’) from Rights and Brands.
Lue lisää aiheesta Salla Savolainen: ’Asfalttia!’ sold to GermanyAino Havukainen & Sami Toivonen: ’Tatu ja Patu kesäleirillä’ sold to Denmark
Turbine Forlaget has bought the Danish rights to Aino Havukainen & Sami Toivonen’s Tatu ja Patu kesäleirillä (’Tatu and Patu […]
Lue lisää aiheesta Aino Havukainen & Sami Toivonen: ’Tatu ja Patu kesäleirillä’ sold to DenmarkTove Jansson: ’Den farliga resan’ sold to France
Editions Cambourakis has bought the French rights to Tove Jansson’s Den farliga resan (’The dangerous Journey’) from Rights and Brands.
Lue lisää aiheesta Tove Jansson: ’Den farliga resan’ sold to FranceTove Jansson: ’Vem ska trösta knyttet?’ sold to France
Editions Cambourakis has bought the French rights to Tove Jansson’s Vem ska trösta knyttet? (’Who Can Comfort Toffle?’) from Rights […]
Lue lisää aiheesta Tove Jansson: ’Vem ska trösta knyttet?’ sold to FranceTove Jansson: ’Hur gick det sen’ sold to France
Editions Cambourakis has bought the French rights to Tove Jansson’s Hur gick det sen (’Moomin, Mymble and little My’) from […]
Lue lisää aiheesta Tove Jansson: ’Hur gick det sen’ sold to France