Translation rights sold in January-February

Translation rights sold at the end of Janyary and beginning of February!


Dobrovsky has bought the Czech rights for Sami Tissari’s Krysa from Ferly.

Latvijas Mediji has bought Latvian rights for Max Seeck’s Loukko (The Archipelago) from Elina Ahlback Literary Agency.


Aukso pieva has bought the Lithuanian rights for Maria Turtschaninoffs’s Breven från Maresi (Maresi Red Mantle, book #3 in The Red Abbey Chronicles) from Elina Ahlback Literary Agency.

Metropolis has bought the Hungarian rights for Anneli Kanto’s Rottien pyhimys (The Rat Saint) from Helsinki Literary Agency.

Luther has bought the Hungarian rights for Pauliina Rauhala’s Taivaslaulu (Heavensong) from Helsinki Literary Agency.

Shtëpia Botuese “Jakup Ceraja” has bought the Albanian rights for Anja Portin’s Radio Popov from Helsinki Literary Agency.

Hiša Knjig has bought the Slovenian rights for Saara Kekäläinen’s and Netta Lehtola’s Prinsessa joka lähti kälppimään (A Princess Who Did A Runner) from Helsinki Literary Agency.  

Koinonia has bought the Hungarian rights for Tomi Kontio’s and Elina Warsta’s Koira nimeltään Kissa ja joulun ihme (A Dog Called Cat and the Wonder of Christmas) from Helsinki Literary Agency.

Virtualo has bought the Polish digital rights to J. M. Ilves Bordertown series (orig. Sorjonen) from Helsinki Literary Agency. The series consists of four titles: Nukkekoti (Doll’s House), Loppupeli (End Game), Viiden sormen harjoitus (Five Finger Exercise) and Ihmispeto (The Man Beast).


Scratchbooks has bought the Dutch rights to Sami Makkonen’s Hevosjumala (The Horse God) from Ferly.

L’Aqueduc Bleu has bought the French rights to Avi Heikkinen’s Valotusaika (Aperture) from Ferly.

Katja Pantzar’s & Carita Harju’s Hot And Cold. From Sauna To Sea (written in English) from Elina Ahlback Literary Agency.


Zulma has bought the French rights to Leena Krohn’s Hotel Sapiens from Helsinki Literary Agency.

Zulma has bought the French rights to Leena Krohn’s Datura from Helsinki Literary Agency.

Diptycho has bought the Greek rights to Kaisa Happonen’s and Anne Vasko’s book Mur, eli karhu (A Bear Called Mur) from Bonnier Rights Finland.