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Pirkko Saisio: ’Vastavalo’ sold to US and Canada

Two Lines Press  has bought the English rights to Pirkko Saisio’s Vastavalo (’The backlight’) from  Helsinki Literary Agency.

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Pirkko Saisio: ’Pienen yhteinen jaettava’ sold to US and Canada

Two Lines Press  has bought the English rights to Pirkko Saisio’s Pienen yhteinen jaettava (’The lowest common multiple’) from  Helsinki […]

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Maria Turtschaninoff: ’Arvejord’ sold to Italy

Bompiani has bought the Italian rights to Maria Turtschaninoff’s  Arvejord (’Inherited Land’) from Elina Ahlback Literary Agency. 

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Maria Turtschaninoff: ’Arvejord’ sold to France

Editions Paulsen has bought the French rights to Maria Turtschaninoff’s  Arvejord (’Inherited Land’) from Elina Ahlback Literary Agency. 

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Maria Turtschaninoff: ’Arvejord’ sold to Norway

Bonnier Norsk Forlag has bought the Norwegian rights to Maria Turtschaninoff’s  Arvejord (’Inherited Land’) from Elina Ahlback Literary Agency. 

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Saara Kekäläinen & Netta Lehtola: ’Prinsessa joka lähti kälppimään’ sold to Denmark

Straarup & Co. has bought the Danish rights to Saara Kekäläinen & Netta Lehtola’s Prinsessa joka lähti kälppimään (’The princess […]

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Meri Valkama: ’Sinun, Margot’ sold to Germany

Frankfurter Verlagsanstalt has bought the German rights to Meri Valkama’s Sinun, Margot (’Yours, Margot’) from Bonnier Rights Finland.

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Maria Turtschaninoff: ’Arvejord’ sold to Germany

Rowohlt has bought the German rights to Maria Turtschaninoff’s  Arvejord (Inherited Land) from Elina Ahlback Literary Agency. 

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Minna Lindgren: ’Ehtoolehdon tuho’ sold to Hungary

Kossuth has bought the Hungarian rights to Minna Lindgren’s Ehtoolehdon tuho (’The end of sunset grove’) from Elina Ahlback Literary […]

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Timo Parvela: ’Ella ja kaverit papanavanassa’ sold to Estonia

Hea Lugu  has bought the Estonian rights to Timo Parvela’s Ella ja kaverit papanavanassa (’Ella & Friends on a poop […]

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Satu Rämö: ’Hildur #3’ sold to Norway

Bonnier Norsk  has bought the Norwegian rights to Satu Rämö’s 3rd book in the Hildur series from Bonnier Rights Finland.

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Anna Elina Isoaro & Mira Mallius: ’Sinä yönä tuli talvi’ sold to Hungary

Kisgombos has bought the Hungarian rights to Anna Elina Isoaro and Mira Mallius’s Sinä yönä tuli talvi (’Winter came that […]

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Katri Kirkkopelto: ’Molli’ sold to Estonia

Helios has bought the Estonian rights to Katri Kirkkopelto’s Molli (’Blue’) from Rights and Brands.

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Matilda Gyllenberg: ’Det lungsjuka huset’ sold to Denmark

Forlaget Silkefyret has bought the Danish rights to Matilda Gyllenber’s Det lungsjuka huset (’Breathless Home’) from Rights and Brands.

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Katri Kirkkopelto: ’Mollin joulu’ sold to Estonia

Helios has bought the Estonian rights to Katri Kirkkopelto’s Mollin joulu (’Blue’s Christmas’) from Rights and Brands.

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Maria Turtschaninoff: ’Arvejord’ sold to the Netherlands

Atlas Contact has bought the Dutch rights to Maria Turtschaninoff’s  Arvejord (Inherited Land) from Elina Ahlback Literary Agency. 

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Hannele Lampela & Pasi Pitkänen: ’Paavali Pattinen, supernolo supersankari’ sold to Denmark.

Bogoo has bought the Danish rights to Hannele Lampela & Pasi Pitkänen’s Paavali Pattinen, supernolo supersankari (’Benjamin Bateman – Super […]

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Julia Pöyhönen and Heidi Livingston: ’Fanni ja kiukkuiset kaksoset’ sold to Romania

Galaxia Copiilor has bought the Romanian rights to Julia Pöyhönen and Heidi Livingston’s Fanni ja kiukkuiset kaksoset (’Fanni and the […]

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Julia Pöyhönen and Heidi Livingston: ’Fanni ja levoton liikeri’ sold to Romania

Galaxia Copiilor has bought the Romanian rights to Julia Pöyhönen and Heidi Livingston’s Fanni ja levoton liikeri (’Fanni and the […]

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Julia Pöyhönen and Heidi Livingston: ’Fanni ja liian jännittävä yö’ sold to Romania

Galaxia Copiilor has bought the Romanian rights to Julia Pöyhönen and Heidi Livingston’s Fanni ja liian jännittävä yö (’Fanni and […]

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